A blog for the unwavering insistence on best practices in spheres of operational and leadership influence…

The Law Of Positive Thinking

This article is culled from The Excel Guidebook for Students: how to excel in exams, based on ethics complaint principles (Fourth Edition). The Excel Guidebook for Students is published by Exam Ethics Marshal International.


This is a continuation from the previous episode on Law Of Positive Thinking







Think Challenge.





Never think of having a problem. Always think of facing a challenge. “I have a problem”, indicates unpleasantness and difficulty. But “I face a challenge” indicates fun, and something pleasant. So always think of difficulties in school in terms of challenges you must surmount in the process of discovering your talent to achieve your destiny.





Think Triumph





Always believe that you will triumph over every challenge. It is a fact that you are bigger than any challenge you are likely to face in school. And you have within you the resources to cope with such challenges, the size of the challenge notwithstanding. No matter the weight, believe that no burden can prevent you from excelling in your exams. Whatever your educational mountain is, you can move it. Remember that there can be no gain without pain, no progress without struggle. A blow today can be a blessing tomorrow. In every loss, there is a life long lesson. And out of trials and tribulations come great triumphs. Successful resolution of a challenge increases your mental, physical, social, moral, emotional and spiritual strength. When you succeed in one examination, it makes you stronger to face the next. Triumphs develop our ingenuity, insight, intellect and other faculties. It helps reveal our special talents, hidden powers, potentials and perhaps even the purposes of our lives.





Think Strength.





Over the years, as you journey through the educational landscape, you must have developed areas of special strength in some subjects, sports, talent or special area. Work to develop these strengths as you work to eliminate your weaknesses. Nothing inhibits your ability to excel in exams as doubt and small thinking. Why should you not excel in your exams if you have planned for success and worked with diligence and discipline?  Believe in yourself and approach the exam with self-confidence.










The art of visualization is a helpful stimulus to positive thinking. Remember that visualization is not the same with day dreaming. Visualize yourself receiving your certificate in a colourful ceremony. Visualize the life you want to live after each exam. Whatever we focus our minds on, provided we work for it, invariably materializes.





Choose a Course you like.





Choose subjects and courses for which you have genuine interest and likeness except for compulsory subjects like English and Mathematics. Never allow any person, not even your parents, to force you into subjects and courses for which you have little interest. The danger is that you begin to see such subjects as “necessary evil”. But if it is a subject you must do to be able to earn your certificate, approach it with a positive frame of mind. Many students, for example, who would have otherwise done well in mathematical subjects, fail to do so simply because of their negative frame of mind, the unnecessary fear of anything mathematical. But when you choose a course after your heart, you begin to see your education and the challenges associated with it in terms of the changes and contributions you can make to the world. This is a very powerful motivation for excelling in your exams.





No Man is an Island.





Most of your learning will come from people. Even the books you read are authored by people. Therefore think positively and enlarge your thoughts about people including your fellow students, your teachers and other school authorities. Be grateful for any assistance they give you. Part of what will make you succeed in life is an appreciation of our very large dependence on each other.





Appreciate Criticism.


Appreciate constructive criticism as no person is perfect. No person knows everything, not even your teachers. So analyse every criticism and learn from it. If you are doing well, never get big-headed about praises. Always work to improve yourself for there is always room for improvement irrespective of how good you may be.






















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