A blog for the unwavering insistence on best practices in spheres of operational and leadership influence…


This article is culled from The Excel Guidebook for Students: how to excel in exams, based on ethics compliant principles (Fourth Edition). The Excel Guidebook for Students is published by Exam Ethics Marshal International



God moves in mysterious ways in directing you towards your destiny. What is considered a failure, a difficulty or challenge may be God’s mysterious navigational compass directing you towards your destiny. So, develop the patience and perseverance to wait for God’s divine plan to manifest without short circuiting it with examination malpractices.


As a student, you must open your eyes and your mind to the realization that God moves in mysterious ways. What you may consider a failure, a difficulty or a challenge may be God’s way of preparing you to discover your true talents en route to fulfilling your destiny. Develop the patience and perseverance to wait for God’s plan to manifest.

Let me repeat what I wrote in the introductory section of this book for emphasis.


Exam Ethics compliant students succeed and develop to make names not just for themselves but for various countries in professions where have special gifts and talents: movies, music, sports, football, teaching, painting, fashion, medicine, law, engineering, business, public service, journalism, comedy, politics, etc.


Many successful people are known to have even dropped out of school or finished with ‘poor’ results. James Monroe, William Harrison, and Williams Makinley all dropped out of their receptive schools in 1776, 1791 and 1860. Still, they went ahead to become the 5th, 9th and 25th Presidents of United State of American in 1817, 1841 and 1897 respectively. It is reported that Bill Gates did not complete his education at Harvard University. Yet he went ahead to found Microsoft Corporation and is today the richest man in the world. Think and consider how they discovered their talents and learn from them.

Remember that I am not saying you should drop out of school. I am saying that after you worked hard to prepare for your examination, the result is part of the process of discovering yourself and your talents in your journey to achieving the divine mission for which God created you. Indulging in examination malpractice is a sure way of thwarting God’s Devine plan for you on earth. It is a stupid and foolish thing to do.

You have realized the truth that God has a Devine plan for you. You have also been told to pray constantly for God’s guidance. You also must prime yourself to realize that God’s answers come in mysterious ways. Therefore, you must be mindful of the actions you take or fail to take in the process of your education.






































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