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Spread of Cultism to Primary and Secondary Schools

The spread of campus cultism from tertiary institutions to primary and secondary schools is now a reality and an alarming development with dire consequences for education, families, and society.

The Federal Judicial Commission of Enquiry on the cult-related massacre of five students in a university campus on July 10,1999, confirmed in its report of March 9,2000 that the problem of campus cults which has spread to secondary schools is very severe.

The Guardian Newspapers of May 16, 2019, and other media houses have published investigative reports on the spread of cultism to primary and secondary schools together with the havocs, horrors, calamities, and casualties.

Numerous research papers in various journals have also documented the spread of cultism from tertiary institutions to secondary schools. One example is the Etiology and Menace of Secret Cults in Secondary Schools in Nigeria by Azibazuan Adioni-Arogo and Igomu Joseph Augustine published in the International Journal of Innovative Studies in Sociology and Humanities, Vol 3, Issue 8, August 2018.

The spread of campus cultism to secondary schools has attracted the attention of the National Assembly. Various media houses including Vanguard Newspaper of July 18, 2019, reported that “the House of Representatives overwhelmingly supported a motion for federal and state governments to set up anti-cultism vanguards …following alarming incidences of cultism… fast spreading to primary and secondary schools…and for parents to take responsibility for their children”

One school of thought is that graduate alumni of cult groups use their positions as teachers to recruit students and extend the influence and territory of their cult groups in secondary schools.

It is of strategic importance for serious efforts to be sustained in stopping the spread of cultism to secondary schools by early counseling of students on prudential guidelines for saying no to cultism to escape the dangers. This book has been serving this purpose since the publication of the first edition in 1998.

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