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Peace education will solve security challenges – UN centre



This news was culled from The Vanguard Newspaper’s publication of  10th June 2022


The United Nations, Positive Livelihood Award Centre, has said creating more awareness and teaching about peace will bring positive, healthy, enduring peace and development to the world.


UN-POLAC made this known in a statement to celebrate the International Peace Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace, titled, ‘Discover better: I contribute, you contribute, we contribute.’


It appealed to Nigerians to become peace advocates and educate both young and old on peace and engage in peace advocacy wherever they are, saying that it was the panacea to solving the nation’s security challenges.


Director of Projects and Women Affairs, United-Nations POLAC Foundation, Dr Cynthia Obiora, explained that peace advocacy would promote equality and bridge the gender gap.


She said, “The world needs peace advocates to bring positive, healthy, and enduring peace and development. The goal is for women and girls to have full access to their rights from equal pay and land ownership rights to sexual rights, freedom from violence, access to education and maternal health rights. Peace advocates that will promote true equality exist to bridge the gender gap, as well as to advocate for strong justice institutions that support women and help them leave harmful and abusive relationships.”


International Director/Country President, UN-POLAC, Prof. Funmilayo Adesanya-Davies, said peace advocates in Nigeria were resilient and concerned about solving insurgency, insecurity and peace-related problems through advocacy that would improve the lot of the citizenry.

She described a peace advocate as someone who is ready and willing to promote peace and harmony in various local communities and globally.


Director-General, Bureau for Peace and Conflict Resolution, Mr Peter Ohagwa, said “I, therefore, call on our political leaders, lawmakers, state governors and Federal Government to pay more attention and establish such structures using the peace advocates/military for effective peacebuilding network all the nooks and crannies in our Nation.

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