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All through history, countries are known to have reached points where they had to confront kinds of great challenges. In all such occasions, a charismatic leader steps forward to inspire and galvanize the citizens into action to resolve the challenge. And in each case, the weapon of inspiration and mobilization is the speech.



Speech Delivered in New Delhi, India on 26th March, 1980 that launched a global campaign for emancipation of women and led to the election of a woman head of state in a predominantly Hindu/Moslem country at a time some western counties were yet to cross the gender barrier.


The speech “True Liberation of Women” was delivered at the inauguration of the All-India Women’s Conference Building Complex in New Delhi. “There is no time to lose and it involves a tremendous task of educating. We want to walk together and in step with all others, but if men hesitate, should not women show the way…By excluding women, men are depriving themselves of a fuller emancipation or growth themselves.” When general elections were held later that year, Gandhi’s Congress Party won with a large majority.

“For several decades the All-India Women’s Conference has been the organized voice of the women of India. I have never been a member of any women’s organization but have been interested enough to keep track of their activities and to lend the helping hand whenever I could.

“I am glad that at long last the All-India Women’s Conference has a home of its own and it is named after one of the best known and most remarkable women of our times, Sarojini Naidu, feminine to the core but well able to hold her own in the world of men, whether in letters or in politics.


“…I see before me a number of eminent women who have distinguished themselves in various professions — in social work, in education, in science, in administration, in law and, of course, in politics. They must all feel gratified to see the completion of this building. I have often said that I am not a feminist. Yet, in my concern for the underprivileged, how can I ignore women who, since the beginning of history, have been dominated over and discriminated against in social customs and in laws. How insidious and all-pervasive is this attitude of male’ superiority is revealed in the vocabulary of the languages the world over. And this is unquestioningly accepted and acquiesced in by all but a minuscule minority of men and also women.

Currently I am reading a book titled World and Women. I learned from it what Mr. Ling White, the President of Mills College in the USA, wrote of the use of masculine generic pronouns. I quote: “The penetration of the habit of language into the minds of little girls as they grow up to be women is more profound than most people, including most women, have realized. For, it implies that personality is really a male attribute and that women are a sub or a human sub-species.” The author goes on to say that it is time we looked more carefully where the thoughtless use of stereotypes is taking us. “Man as leader, woman as follower; man as producer, woman as consumer; man as strength, woman as weakness; this is the cosmography that has brought us to man as aggressor and humanity the victim.”


“Hence, by excluding women, men are depriving themselves of a fuller emancipation or growth for themselves.


“In the West, women’s so-called freedom is often equated with imitation of man. Frankly, I feel that is merely an exchange of one kind of bondage for another. To be liberated, woman must feel free to be herself, not in rivalry to man but in the context of her own capacity and her personality. We need women to be more interested, more alive and more active not because they are women but because they do comprise half the human race. Whether they like it or not, they cannot escape their responsibility nor should they be denied its benefits. Indian women are traditionally conservative but they also have the genius of synthesis, to adapt and to absorb. That is what gives them resilience to face suffering and to meet upheavals with a degree of calm, to change constantly and yet remain changeless, which is the quality of India herself.


“Today’s major concerns are: first, economic and social inequality and injustice between the affluent and developing countries and within countries. Secondly, the anxiety whether human wisdom will prevail over what can only be called a death wish in which the desire to dominate expresses itself in countless ways, the most dangerous being the armament race. And, thirdly, the need to protect this, our only Earth, from human rapacity and exploitation. Only recently have we awakened to the awareness of ancient truths regarding our own utter dependence on the balance of Nature and its resources.

“These enormous challenges cannot be met only by some sections, however advanced they may be, while others pull in different directions or watch apathetically. The effort has to be a universal one, conscious and concerted, considering no one too small to contribute. The effort must embrace all nationalities and all classes regardless of religion, caste or sex.


“There is no time to lose and it involves a tremendous task of educating. We want to walk together and in step with all others, but if men hesitate, should not women show the way?”


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