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Exam Malpractice Law of Failure explained.


This article is culled from The Excel Guidebook for Students: how to excel in exams, based on ethics compliant principles (Fourth Edition) published by Exam Ethics Marshal International.


The explained for Exam Ethics Law of Success holds true for Exam Malpractice Law of Failure. If your education is based on malpractice, you will invariably exhibit incompetence in your work. This leads to comparative disadvantage relative to other workers in the same field. With this comparative disadvantage which is because of exam malpractice induced incompetence, you will not be able to compete effectively. You will be subsequently selected out in the competition for scarce resources and in the race for survival (the theory of survival of the fittest). This phenomenon is summarized by the Exam Malpractice Law of Failure (the exact opposite of the Exam Ethics Law of Success) which holds true for individuals, companies, organization, states, regions, and nations.


Types of Exam Malpractice

They are many types of examination malpractices you must avoid.


Leaked question papers.

Concentrate on your revision and prepare well for the examination. Do not join the hunt for leaked question papers. In many cases, that is the easiest way to fail because in almost all cases, the leaked question papers are fake. And you can only reap failure when you rely on fake question papers. Besides, you stand the risk of having your result cancelled. Once a paper is known to have leaked through whatever means, such papers are invariably cancelled.


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