A blog for the unwavering insistence on best practices in spheres of operational and leadership influence…

Exam Ethics Club Champions Best Practices in Examination.


The Exam Ethics Club of the Redeemer TEAP International School, Garki 2, Abuja has organized a One Day Pre-examination Orientation Exercise for External Students.

The event held on the Friday May 13th, 2022 at the School Hall was part of the school’s regular interaction with the exit students (JSS3 and SS3) classes aimed at discouraging them from getting involved in Exam Malpractice.

The Seminar which attracted officers of the school community like The Principal, Mr Dimeji Yusuf, The Vice Principals, Mr Thompson and Mrs Abia amongst others was a good time to have open conversations on what to expect in the examination hall.

Facilitators at the event who are also members of the Exam Ethics Club drew their presentations from the Exam Ethics Manual, published by the Exam Ethics Marshals International and encouraged the students to remain disciplined and committed to their studies.



The Principal, Mr Dimeji Yusuf in a separate interview acknowledged that exam malpractice has become a menace in most schools and in the society. He expressed his optimism that the awareness exercise will go a long in helping the students write their exams very well.


Mr Godwin Orum, Quality Assurance Officer of Redeemer TEAP International School whilst chatting with the Exam Ethics Blog, expressed his delight that the Exam Ethics Club of the school was able to organize a successful awareness programme for the students which will be a huge moral booster for the school.

The Head Boy Chinwe Jonathan Nkem, Olaji Ajayi of JSS 2b and Emmanuel Andrew, the school’s Time Keeper expressed their appreciation to the Exam Ethics Club of the RTIS for organizing the awareness programme which will help the students in achieving high academic success and look forward to having more engaging seminars.

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