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5-Minutes Teacher Game Changing Campaign Strategy.

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The 2023 general elections is of existential importance to education stakeholders: School Administrators, Lecturers, Teachers, University Students, Trade Union representatives, Parents etc.

It is therefore very important that you cast your vote. You are also encouraged to join your local JESAC Task Team to mobilize other education stakeholders to support and vote for the best education-friendly candidates for President, Governors, Senate, House of Reps and Houses of Assembly. Mobilize your members, colleagues, friends and associates to vote using the JESAC 5 Minutes Teacher Campaign Strategy.

The strategy is based on the fact that teaching is one campaign tool for which educators have a monopoly. The strategy requires you to use the opportunity of every class, lecture, assembly, seminar, workshop, conference, meeting, rally, party, campaign and event to deliver a 5-Minute speech on the need for stakeholders to vote for the most competent, most education-friendly and ethics-friendly candidates based on the facts.

Based on the result of JESAC Report of the 1st Diagnostic Assessment of Education Manifestos of Presidential Candidates for 2023 elections released on 26th January, the fact is that Peter Obi of Labour Party has the highest potential for transforming the education sector.

The materials facts on the rot in education for delivering your 5-minutes impromptu speeches are everywhere in every educational institution in plain sight that you can point to.

The best thing about the 2023 elections is the new electoral law which offers the promise of making all votes to count. The three previous interventions of JESAC in 2011, 2015 and 2019 may not have made the expected impact because of rigging. But with the new electoral law, the over 30 million education stakeholders can establish themselves as new political game changers if they deploy their population, expertise, networks and organizational skills to bond, campaign, work and vote together to elect education-friendly political leaders.



By Ike Onyechere MFR.

Convener, Joint Education Stakeholders Action Coalition.

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