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Peter Obi Wins JESAC Employability Test.

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JESAC presented the Report of the 1st Diagnostic Assessment of Education Manifestos of Presidential Candidates for 2023 elections at Green Mind Hotel, Abuja, on 26th January, 2023. Delegates at the event include School Administrators, Lecturers, Teachers, University Students, Trade Union representatives, Parents etc. from various parts of the country. The event was covered by print and electronic media houses.

One of the highlights of the event was the conduct of an impromptu JESAC School Head Employability test for the Presidential Candidates.


The test deals with the question: “You are one of the owners of a School that is bedeviled with existential cases of systemic corruption, academic dishonesty, examination malpractice and lack of vision. You are a member of the interview committee entrusted with employing a new School Head from a shortlist of four applicants whose profiles are exact replicas of those of Presidential Candidates of APC, PDP, NNPP and LP in terms of character, integrity, capacity, antecedents, honours, awards, scandals, family, academic and work history. Which of the candidates will you employ as a School Head?


A total of 28 delegates cast their vote as follows:







The result speaks for itself.



By Ike Onyechere MFR.

Convener, Joint Education Stakeholders Action Coalition

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