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Chrisland: Ensure proactive regulation, affordable quality education, not shutting schools — Lagos PDP blasts govt 




Chrisland: Ensure proactive regulation, affordable quality education, not shutting schools — Lagos PDP blasts govt


This news was culled from The Vanguard Newspaper’s publication of April 21, 2022


The People Democratic, PDP, Lagos State, has faulted government on the shutting down of Chrisland Schools in the state in the wake of the viral video of its students engaging in sexual activities.


In fact, PDP blamed the APC-led state government for worsening the collapse of the social institutions.



In a statement by Hakeem Amode, the state Publicity Secretary, PDP accused the government of failing in its regulatory duties, creating a bad economy that makes parents pursue income to the detriment of the vital role parenting plays in a society..


This led to revelations, accusations and counter-accusations between the school authorities and mother of the girl involved.


Reacting, Lagos State government shut the school and ordered an investigation.


However, although the party condemned the immoral act of the children and the negligence on the part of the school authorities, PDP seemed not to be impressed, noting that the government, ab initio, created the environment for such incidents to be commonplace.


According to PDP, “governments should be blamed for distancing themselves from the way our schools are regulated.


“This is an example of the total breakdown of moral values in society.


“Due to the hunger in the land and pursuit for extra bread on the table, parents that can afford it prefer to send their children to unregulated expensive schools.


“If this could happen in a highbrow school, imagine what is going on in ‘less-privileged public schools’.


“The government should wake up. Closing down schools is not the answer.


“They should look more at regulations and providing good schools that are affordable for all, irrespective of class or financial status.


“This will give parents more opportunities to be close to their children and install moral values that are desperately becoming a thing of the past in this country.


“It must be noted that the Chrisland incident is also a result of the APC government failing the masses.”



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