A blog for the unwavering insistence on best practices in spheres of operational and leadership influence…



To achieve your mission in life, you must first discover the specific talents God bestowed on you for the purpose of achieving your mission in life.

May the tragedy of not discovering your specific talent, of being mired in the wrong profession, of taking the wrong turn not befall you as a student whose future is in front of him or her. May you never miss your road in life! Four things will help you.


  1. Realization of the truth
  2. Prayers for Gods guidance
  3. Understanding the Language of God
  4. Taking Action
  5. Realization of the Truth


The truth is that God in His infinity mercy and wisdom has a plan for you. There is a definite reason why you came into this world, why God created you. For you to achieve your mission in life, you must first discover the specific talents God bestowed on you for the purpose of achieving the mission. God’s plan is always a good one. In other words, you have a destiny and the special talents to achieve it. Another truth you must realize is that God also gave you the freewill to choose. And this is where the problem comes in.

Some students choose well by allowing their talents to manifest through objective assessment that leads to self-discovery. But some other students make the fatal error of choosing badly and trying to play God.

They assume to have discovered God’s ultimate reason for bringing them into this world. And then proceed to thwart God’s divine plans for by indulging in academic dishonesty and examination malpractice.


As a student, you cannot tell with any degree of certainty what God’s plan is for you until you allow your special talents to manifest. No person, not even your Parents, Teacher, Pastor, etc. has the power to say with certainty what God’s specific plan is for you before the manifestation of your true talents. They can only guide you in your quest to discover your talent through the education process. This is where prayers and examination ethics come in.


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