A blog for the unwavering insistence on best practices in spheres of operational and leadership influence…

The Exam Ethics Law of Success (3) – The Law of Self Discovery

As a student, you can discover yourself only if you allow your journey through education to serve as compass and pathfinder to answer two questions: why did God create me? What talents did God bestow on me to enable me achieve my mission on earth?

You can only answer these questions correctly by committing to code of examination ethics. You cannot answer the questions correctly by telling yourself lies about your abilities and competences through examination malpractice.

The critical questions for any student include: why did God create me? What is my mission on earth? What is the purpose of my life? If you get these questions right, your life is most likely to be that of success, fulfilment, and achievement. Getting it wrong may mean a life of misery and disappointments. The only way to get it right is to appreciate the fact that education as a journey of self-discovery and that you can discover yourself only if allow your journey through the education process to serve as compass and pathfinder to answer two questions: why did God create me; what talents did God bestow on me to enable me to achieve my mission on earth?

Why were you created? What is your mission on earth? What is the purpose of your life? It is very difficult for any student to answer these questions with certainty. It is only later in life that you may be able to discern whether you are on the road to fulfilling your destiny or whether you are completely off the mark. By the time they realize that they have embarked on a wrong course with their lives, it may already too late to make a turn.

Education is your journey of self-discovery to prepare you to accomplish your mission on earth. Education is instruction or training by which young people (students) learn to develop and use their mental, moral and physical powers. It is not just about acquisition of certificates. Education helps you to discover and achieve your purpose in life.

In deciding the actions, you take, you must also understand that Examination is the process of testing your knowledge or ability by oral, written questions or exercises. Results of examinations help you discover yourself and your talent, which are the foundations for eventual achievement of your destiny. Results of examinations help you to decide on what career to pursue. It is wrong to decide on a career and then indulge in malpractices to get the enabling qualification and certification. It does not work. It certainly cannot be the plan and will of God to prepare you for your life’s mission based on dishonesty. I said that the most important question confronting you is “why did God create me?” Following this is the question: “can I achieve my divine mission in life by telling myself a lie about my abilities and gifts by indulging in exam malpractice?” The simple and obvious answer is NO. Therefore, Parents are not helping their children when they insist on their studying particular courses and when they go out of their way to fund the perpetration of malpractices by their children. This is not an act of love. It is an act of ignorance aimed at massaging the ego of such parents. This is also why the greatest enemies of students are those lecturers and teachers who help and facilitate the perpetration of malpractices by their students. The divine mission of parents and teachers is to allow the education process to perform its function of helping students to discover their missions and talents.

The critical questions for any student include: why did God create me? What is my mission on earth? What is the purpose of my life? If you get these questions right, your life is most likely to be that of success, fulfilment, and achievement. Getting it wrong may mean a life of misery and disappointments. The only way to get it right is to appreciate the fact that education as a journey of self-discovery and that you can discover yourself only if allow your journey through the education process to serve as compass and pathfinder to answer two questions: why did God create me; what talents did God bestow on me to enable me to achieve my mission on earth?

Why were you created? What is your mission on earth? What is the purpose of your life? It is very difficult for any student to answer these questions with certainty. It is only later in life that you may be able to discern whether you are on the road to fulfilling your destiny or whether you are completely off the mark. By the time they realize that they have embarked on a wrong course with their lives, it may already too late to make a turn.

Education is your journey of self-discovery to prepare you to accomplish your mission on earth. Education is instruction or training by which young people (students) learn to develop and use their mental, moral and physical powers. It is not just about acquisition of certificates. Education helps you to discover and achieve your purpose in life.

In deciding the actions, you take, you must also understand that Examination is the process of testing your knowledge or ability by oral, written questions or exercises. Results of examinations help you discover yourself and your talent, which are the foundations for eventual achievement of your destiny. Results of examinations help you to decide on what career to pursue. It is wrong to decide on a career and then indulge in malpractices to get the enabling qualification and certification. It does not work. It certainly cannot be the plan and will of God to prepare you for your life’s mission based on dishonesty. I said that the most important question confronting you is “why did God create me?” Following this is the question: “can I achieve my divine mission in life by telling myself a lie about my abilities and gifts by indulging in exam malpractice?” The simple and obvious answer is NO. Therefore, Parents are not helping their children when they insist on their studying particular courses and when they go out of their way to fund the perpetration of malpractices by their children. This is not an act of love. It is an act of ignorance aimed at massaging the ego of such parents. This is also why the greatest enemies of students are those lecturers and teachers who help and facilitate the perpetration of malpractices by their students. The divine mission of parents and teachers is to allow the education process to perform its function of helping students to discover their missions and talents.

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