A blog for the unwavering insistence on best practices in spheres of operational and leadership influence…

The Law of Self Discovery.

  This article is culled from The Excel Guidebook for Students: how to excel in exams, based on ethics compliant principles. Fourth Edition Published by Exam Ethics Marshal International.     The critical questions for any student include: why did God create me? What is my mission on earth? What is the purpose of my […]

TETFund boss, Echono tackles politicians over failure to invest in basic education

  This news was culled from The Vanguard Newspaper’s publication of April 26, 2022   Executive Secretary, Tertiary Education Trust Fund, TETFund,Arc. Sonny Echono,has decried the failure of some politicians to prioritise education at the national level as they do at private or personal level where he said, they send their children to schools abroad […]