Speeches that Changed the World – Pope John Paul II

Speech that inspired the Polish people to courageously rise and stand up to their communist masters, led to unbanning of polish workers union, Solidarity, its participation in national elections and election of the Union Leader, Lech Walesa, as President of Poland. Karol Josef Wojtyla (1920-2005) was a Seminary Student in his native Poland. After ordination, […]
Speeches that Changed the World – Nelson Mandela

Speech delivered in 1964 from the dock of the Pretoria courtroom that led the foundation for the eventual defeat of the apartheid regime of South Africa, the movement of Mandela from prisoner to head of state, and his continued celebration as the greatest statesman of all times. His Excellency, Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) is one of […]
Speeches that Changed the World – Abraham Lincoln

Speech, delivered at Gettysburg, 19 November 1863 that has continued to fire the patriotic spirit of Americans for over 150 years. The battle of Gettysburg, fought as part of the American Civil War, was very bloody. President Lincoln gave a speech at the Commemoration ceremony for soldiers killed at the battle. In 269 words, Lincoln […]
Speeches that Changed the World – Introduction (2)

In his speech at the Berlin Wall on June 12, 1987, United States President Ronald Reagan called on Mikhail Gorbachev, leader of the Soviet Union, to pull down the 45-kilometer electrified fences that separated East and West Berlin. The speech “Tear Down This Wall” led to the removal of the wall in November 1989, and […]
Speeches that Changed the World – Introduction (1)

All through history, countries are known to have reached points where they had to confront kinds of great challenges. In all such occasions, a charismatic leader steps forward to inspire and galvanize the citizens into action to resolve the challenge. And in each case, the weapon of inspiration and mobilization is speech. There are numerous […]
The Exam Ethics Law of Success (3) – The Law of Self Discovery

As a student, you can discover yourself only if you allow your journey through education to serve as compass and pathfinder to answer two questions: why did God create me? What talents did God bestow on me to enable me achieve my mission on earth? You can only answer these questions correctly by committing to […]
The Exam Ethics Law of Success (2) – The Exam Malpractice Law of Failure (Part 2)

Types of Exam Malpractice They are many types of examination malpractices you must avoid. 1. Leaked question papers. Concentrate on your revision and prepare well for the examination. Do not join the hunt for leaked question papers. In many cases, that is the easiest way to fail because in almost all cases, the leaked question […]
The Exam Ethics Law of Success (2) – The Exam Malpractice Law of Failure (Part 1)

Examination Malpractice promotes failure by promoting corruption, incompetence and competitive disadvantage. Examination malpractice is any act of omission or commission which compromises the validity, reliability and integrity of any examination, assessment, or evaluation system. It makes it impossible to use the result of tests evaluation, assessment, and examination systems to determine the level of skill […]
The Exam Ethics Law of Success (1)

Examination Ethics is the respect for the rules, regulations, conduct, ethics and moral principles governing all forms examination, assessment and evaluation systems in all sectors of human endeavour. The Exam Ethics Law of Success states “Exam Ethics promotes success by promoting ethical values, competence, and competitive advantage”. Examination Ethics is the heartbeat of Education. Without […]
Anti-Cult Prudential Security Laws for Students (4) – Law of Initiation

Having been recruited into a cult group on account of ignorance or errors of judgment, refuse to participate in dangerous initiation rites usually meant to test your strength and resilience; to “harden” you up and increase your capacity for endurance; to place you on oath and increase the level of mutual trust; and to ensure […]