Education Rant and its Purpose
Education can only be successful if it is grounded on a foundation of unquestionable integrity. Unfortunately, educational systems in many parts of the world are witnessing upsurge in unethical practices, thereby calling into question the integrity of the process.
The education rants tends to draw attention to challenges students, teachers, administrators and other critical stakeholders in education face in the society. Roles and responsibilities of the government is also a major concern as regards formation and mplementation of education policies.
Rant brings to the front burner, issues of cultism, extortion, sexual harassment, incessant strike actions, lack of adequate educational infrastructures and roles, plans and responsibilities of those in leadership positions.
Rant also highlights and appreciates activities of individuals and NGOs who have taken it upon themselves, using their time and resources, in promoting ethics, integrity and best practices in education. One of such individual and NGO in Africa is Mr. Ike Onyechere, MFR, Exam Ethics Marshal International and Joint Education Stakeholders Action Coalition (JESAC).
Lastly, the rants inspire, motivate and encourages all and sundry, to get involved and play critical roles in using education as a major point in societal development.
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